Category Archives: pop culture

In case anyone occasionally still reads this…

…for your viewing pleasure.

The White House will have a garden.

Oh yes.  It will.  The New York Times is reporting that Michael Pollan’s dream will come true, as a 1,100 square foot patch of [useless] White House lawn will be dug up and replaced with 55 varieties of vegetables and fruits.  While in the end I am guessing this will mostly be symbolic, I think it is a pretty cool symbol.  I mean, if you’re into that sort of thing.

If only all of us a garden for fresh veggies and fruits to chow down on whenver we pleased…(and a whole staff to take care of them and cook for us too…).  In any case, home gardens are all the recession rage these days, as are chickens and local farmers’ markets, which is of course good news for food, farmers, and the people who eat them.  Here are some of my favorite quotes from the NY Times article:

“First of all,” Mrs. Obama said, “there’s nothing really cooler than coming to the White House and harvesting some of the vegetables and being in the kitchen with Cris and Sam and Bill, and cutting and cooking and actually experiencing the joys of your work.”


“A real delicious heirloom tomato is one of the sweetest things that you’ll ever eat,” she said. “And my children know the difference, and that’s how I’ve been able to get them to try different things.

There have never been truer words.  Heirloom Tomatoes are gifts from the gods even if they generally sell for the ungodly price $5+/lb, which means they only for elitists of course (or just that they are the best thing on this planet).  Next project: chickens roaming the lawns.  Anyways, garden on y’all. [New York Times]

I know, and I still don’t care.


If you don’t know this web-based comic strip, you should, though you will likely be offended, disgusted, and scandalized frequently and with vigor.  It is Achewood by Chris Onstad – go see it.

Happy Wednesday!
